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FreeBSD 12.0 Base Install

Last updated: 2019-02-24

When I (re-)install FreeBSD (I'm learning and break *everything*) I keep a list of the packages I intend to use again. You can even copy these packages to another drive or flash drive and install from there with pkg add.

To get the list of files you have installed on your system:

pkg prime-origins

You can even use this to see packages you didn't know were still installed so you can remove them. To see all the packages installed use 'pkg list'.

Take the output of that command, add pkg install to the top, put in some backslashes, and voila!

echo 'pkg install \' >> FAST-REINSTALL.txt
pkg prime-origins | sed 's/$/ \\/' | cat >> FAST-REINSTALL.txt

Make it executable and run it after fresh install.

Here is a list of the base packages I use. NVIDIA driver requires set up before install.

pkg install \
x11/arandr \
audio/asunder \
multimedia/audacious-gtk3 \
multimedia/audacious-plugins-gtk3 \
shells/bash \
x11-wm/compton \
sysutils/conky \
print/cups-pdf \
ports-mgmt/dialog4ports \
x11-fm/doublecmd \
x11-wm/enlightenment \
www/firefox \
sysutils/fusefs-ext2 \
sysutils/fusefs-ext4fuse \
sysutils/fusefs-libs \
sysutils/fusefs-ntfs \
sysutils/fusefs-simple-mtpfs \
x11-wm/fvwm2 \
devel/geany \
devel/geany-plugin-addons \
devel/geany-plugin-lineoperations \
devel/geany-plugin-overview \
devel/geany-plugin-pretty-printer \
devel/geany-plugin-shiftcolumn \
graphics/geeqie \
graphics/gimp \
x11-fm/gprename \
deskutils/gsimplecal \
archivers/gtar \
x11-themes/gtk-E17-theme \
x11/gtkchtheme \
audio/gvolwheel \
sysutils/htop \
security/keepassxc \
editors/libreoffice \
deskutils/lumina-fm \
deskutils/lumina-screenshot \
multimedia/mplayer \
editors/nano \
x11/nvidia-driver \
ports-mgmt/pkg \
audio/portaudio \
ports-mgmt/portmaster \
lang/python3 \
net/rsync \
x11-wm/skippy-xd \
math/speedcrunch \
audio/spotifyd \
x11/stalonetray \
net/syncthing \
x11/terminology \
mail/thunderbird \
net/tightvnc \
sysutils/uhidd \
emulators/virtualbox-ose \
archivers/xarchiver \
x11/xbindkeys \
x11-fm/xdiskusage \
x11-fm/xfe \

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